Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cosmic Man: Who is He? Where Did He Come From? What are His Powers? YOU DECIDE!

Hey fans! DFG Comics and LG Studios are proud to bring you a brand new comic strip, Cosmic Man! This new strip is written by Leighton and Dan Graves, pencilled by Dan Graves & Inked by Leighton Graves. To top it all of DFG colourist Flora Lovartalot makes her return as colourist! Cosmic Man has been a background player in the DFG universe since the early 1980's, but Leighton Graves wanted to revive him as a major character. "When we began thinking about who Cosmic Man was, what his powers were, etc., we realized that we had never really developed any of this," said Leighton. "I suggested that we let the fans decide!" And so it is! On the side of this page you will find several polls. You, the fans get to decide everything about Cosmic Man. The polls will only be open for a few weeks so vote early!

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