Monday, June 08, 2009

How Can I Learn More About My Favourite DFG ARTIST?

Dear DFG:

I really enjoyed the new issue of Spy Comics Villains by Comic Book Legend Todd Abbot. Todd has always been my favourite DFG Artist. I really like how his simplicity of lines and shapes speaks against the angst of our age and the subjectivity of postmodernism. I have many questions for Todd... where can I send them?

Alex (a long-time DFG fan)

Dear Alex:

Thank you for sending in this list of questions. I have spoken with Todd and he'd be happy to answer them. You will find his responses to your questions, below.

Frank Daniels
DFG Production Manager (and DFG Answer Man)

Some questions for Comic Book Legend Todd Abbot, posed by long-time DFG fan Alex

Alex: Todd, in your comic book work you are obviously reacting to the existentialist angst of our age by drawing your lines and forms with simplistic certainty. Indeed, that great existentialist Martin Heidegger once wrote, "If we attribute spatialitiy to Dasein, then this 'Being in space' must manifestly be conceived in terms of the kind of Being which that entity possesses." How would you respond to such a claim?

Todd Abbot: That's all just philsophical clap-trap, Alex. The only "being" that concerns me is the almighty Dollar. When I get that friggin' paycheque from the DFG clowns after submitting my latest masterpiece, then I fill the "space" in my empty wallet with the cash. That's what I call "being-in-space."

Alex: How did you get the name "the Godzilla of the Comic Book Industry?"

Todd Abbot: Well, clearly Jack Kirby is the "king." Sometimes Peter Repovski has been known as the "King Kong" of comics. Well, I'm better than both of those two second-stringers, so clearly, I'm Godzilla cause everyone knows that Godzilla is bigger than King Kong (in spite of that B-movie Godzilla/Kong team-up produced by Toho films... everyone knows that Kong only stood on top of the Empire State Building --- Godzilla could EAT the Empire State Building). That's how I got the name, I'm big. And I also nearly destroyed Tokyo once, but that's another story.

Alex: What is your favourite colour?

Todd Abbot: I won't even dignify such a stupid question with response. Pink.

Alex: Have you ever been in love?

Todd Abbot: With myself. Other than that I don't have time for whining wretches who only want me to spend time with them when I can be busy drawing comics for fun and profit. Are you interested?

Alex: What is your favourite DFG hero?

Todd Abbot: Spiderman, err, Captain Nepto since I created him. Spiderman would be my favourite if I had created him, but ever since that lawsuit I can't make that claim anymore.

Alex: Did you always want to be a comic book artist?

Todd Abbot: Oh sure, doesn't everyone want to draw crappy little pictures so that some corporate fatcats can reap the fruit of your labours while throwing you a small percentage of the sales of your best-selling, ground-breaking, award-winning work? It's a scream, kid. Let me tell you, get an education and a real job and stay away from comics, especially those guys at DFG... buncha friggin' crooks.

"Well, that's about all the time we have for today, kids! Special thanks to long-time DFG fan Alex and Comic Book Legend Todd Abbot for taking the time to share in this little exchange,"
-- Frank Daniels.

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