Dear DFG:
I was so pleased to see Cyclone featured on the cover of Spy Comics Presents #2. He and Tornado were always two of my favourite DFG heroes. I enjoyed their cameo appearance last year in Retro-Spy #2 and the flashback seen in Spy Comics Presents the Invincibles #1. Obviously Cylcone in coming back, but what about his "hot-headed" brother, Tornado?
Mowinda Passwinda
Nairobi, Kenya
Dear Mowinda:
Nice to hear from one of our Kenyan fans. Yes, Cyclone is returning as a regular character in the DFG stable! The cover of Spy Comics Presents #2 is actually a teaser for Issue 5! Watch for another cameo in #4, as well! As indicated in Issue #1, Cyclone and Tornado (the wind brothers) had been trapped somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle for some time. It has yet to be established how Cyclone got out, but we plan to reveal this fact in an upcoming issue of Spy Comics Presents sometime next year. As for the more volatile member of the duo, Tornado, his ultimate fate is unknown at the present time. We hope to present a special issue of Spy Classics sometime in the next year that will retell the original (now lost!) first appearance of Cyclone and Tornado. I believe it is safe for me to announce that Todd Abbot, who had penned that first story has signed on to redraw it!
Frank Daniels
Frank Daniels
DFG Production Manager
(and Answer Man)