Dear DFG Comics:
I have a couple of questions for you. First, why on earth does Captain Nepto have so many different costumes? Does he wear them at different times of year, or what? Are some thermal and others air conditioned? Secondly, whatever happened to his wig? And for goodness sake, who came up with the crazy idea of wearing a wig over a cowl anyway?
On another note, does Cap have any living relatives now that his half-brother Randy is dead?
Joe Macrel
St. John's, Newfoundland
Dear Joe:
First, let me thank you for being such a long-time DFG devotee. I remember you being one of the very first subscribers to our comic and wish to thank you for your continued support. As such, I want to offer you the very best response to your questions. Your first question about the number of costumes is well-taken with the sheer amount of evidence that exists that Nepto isn't defined by one-look. An in-depth analysis of this phenomenon is discussed in my Nepto&ME posting at I invite you to visit "Darryl's catch-all" page and check that out. The short answer about which type of costumes does Nepto employ is simply that there is a costume for EVERY occasion.
The wig has been with Nepto from the very beginning [and in some cases still exists today] but, was really only a device used to add 'more detail' to the crude drawings I was doing at the start of the Feature. Observing the amount of head space that existed in every panel that I could not fill out with word balloons; I needed to come up with a solution. The wig was the solution. Secondly, it made Nepto unique...something else that is examined in greater detail in the above mentioned blog.
Your last question about living relatives of Nepto's can only be answered with; "The DFG Universe is large and vast and is filled with many wonderful surprises". Keep Reading!!
New Spy Comics Artwork leaked!
By Fawney Bologna
Special to DFG ONLINE!
DFG ONLINE! has learned that a new issue of Spy Comics may be in the works.
The last issue published was issue ...
10 years ago