Wednesday, December 24, 2008

DFG Drink Coasters

Hey fans! Still looking for that special Christmas gift? Well it's not too late to order the Series One of the new DFG Comics Drink Coasters. That's right, if you are tired of all your friends thinking comic books are only useful as drink coasters, we have the perfect solution! Four of your favourite DFG covers are presented in miniature securely fastened BEHIND GLASS. That's right, now you can place your scotch on the rocks on your favourite DFG comic without worring about destroying any of your valuable collection!
DFG Comics Drink Coasters are the brainchild of DFG VP and Co-Publisher Darryl Andrews (who oversees the licensing and merchandising division from our Peterborough office). "I was really getting upset that whenever we had company, my spouse would pull out a DFG comic and use it as a coaster when serving drinks. I know that many fans and collectors have experienced this same problem. Comic books just don't get no respect in our society. I lost more valuable copies of Spy Comics back issues in this manner. But then I came up with this brilliant idea... uninformed ignorant people can still show all the disrepect that they want to our beloved art form and at the same time we can be assured that our comics won't be hopelessly destroyed by drink ringstains. And hey, it's just fun to kick back with a cold drink and enjoy those DFG covers without fear of damage. It is sure to cut down on many arguments in your homes, too!"
DFG Comics Drink Coasters Series 1 features the following covers, Spy Classics #4, Captain Nepto Prime August 2008, Retro-Spy #3, and Spy Comics Presents #6, and is still available for Christmas delivery by sending a cheque or money order for $49.95 cdn, to DFG Comics, 1771 Daniel F. Graves Avenue, Carnage City, CANADA. Series 2 will be available sometime in the new year.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Meet the DFG STAFF!

This special feature, which will be included in an upcoming issue of one of our DFG titles is offered here for your enjoyment. (Click on the page images to enlarge)

We hope you enjoy getting to know us!


Frank Daniels

DFG Production Manager (and answer man).

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Another Fan Question

Hello Mr. DFG,

My name is Jimmy and I am eight years old. I would like to know about the history of the relationship between Captain Nepto & The Spy-Master. Have they always been friends or do they fight as well?

Jimmy [age 8]
P.S. Can you send me an autograph?
Dear Jimmy:
Always nice to hear from our younger fans. The Spymaster and Captain Nepto began teaming up in early issues of the original Captain Nepto series, way back in the early 1980's! They were fast friends and original members of the first Invincibles team. They even took turns being the chairman (Redman also took a turn). If you can get your mom or dad to take you to any fine comic store, you can probably buy back issues of those classic stories, if you save up your allowance. You might also try to track down Captain Nepto Annual #1 that tells the origin of the Spymaster/Nepto team (in which they first learn each others' secret identities!). I should note that that story will be retold in this month's Spy Classics (#4) due to be released soon! In recent years their relationship has deteriorated and now the Spymaster (who is retired from costumed crime fighting), in his civilian identity as Julius Smithers leads the "official" Invincibles team, while Captain Nepto is leading a "renegade" version of the team. Watch for Spy Comics Presents the Invincibles #5, due out in early December for the final chapter of The Battle of the Invincibles!
And of course you can have an autograph... In fact, we are sending you an autographed copy of Todd Abbot's How to Draw Comix, And Make Money! Maybe one day you will be working for DFG! Thanks for writing, Jimmy.
Frank Daniels
The DFG Answer Man.

Monday, November 03, 2008

November Creator of the Month -- DARRYL ANDREWS!

Our Creator of the Month for November is none other than DFG co-founder, co-publisher and Vice-President, Darryl Andrews. Since the early merger of DTA and DFG Comics in 1981 Darryl has been one of the two giants behind the DFG lineup. The creator of Captain Nepto and many other five-star DFG franchises is humble about his success was recently interviewed by a leading fanzine and was quite humble and low-key about his success in the comics industry, "DFG is simply the best, and I'm proud to be the driving force in its success." When asked about what DFG has in store for fans in the upcoming year, he added, "more of the best, of course. But watch our website closely over the days ahead for details on the return of Nightmare (a hero whose storyline went unfinished when Spy '96 was cancelled) and for news on the delayed Captain Nepto Prime August issue."

Pictured in this vintage photograph is Mr. Andrews working on Captain Nepto #7 (original series) in the mid-1980's at the DFG Orrville Ontario Branch Office. (Note his use of DFG's extensive reference library)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Creator of the Month

In a new feature we are introducing you to our DFG creators and staff members. This month we feature Leighton Graves -- the creator of such characters as Glow Girl, Marine Maiden, Garlic Girl, Mini-DJ, and The Goop. Leighton is a rising star in the DFG bullpen and has also been breaking new ground in our merchandising division with his sculpting of a new line of DFG models and action figures, of which his Spymaster model was recently previewed on the DFG mainpage. Perhaps Leighton's greatest creation is Glow Girl, who appears regularly as a member of the Invincibles in DFG's flagship title, Spy Comics Presents. Leighton is rarely seen without a pencil in hand and is constantly designing new characters and new costumes. Watch for these to appear in upcoming issues of your favourite DFG Comics, and in Leighton's own title Glow Comics.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Special Commemorative Print to Celebrate 32 Years of Friendship Between DFG Co-Publishers

This September mark 32 years since DFG co-publishers Dan Graves and Darryl Andrews first met. In the early days of 1976, when the pair were in Grade One at Beverley Acres Public School, they found themselves seated next to each other in Ms. Gutzman's class. On the first day of school Darryl looked over at Dan and said, "Want to be best friends?" Dan's affirmative answer resulted in 32 years of continued friendship and what has become the greatest partnership of all-time in Canadian Comics. In order to celebrate their 32 years of friendship, DFG is proud to release, in a limited, numbered edition, this never-before published personal sketch drawn by Darryl in 1984 for Dan.

The caption reads:

"To my best friend...

for his friendship over the years!

-Darryl Todd Andrews

(your pal forever!)

The drawing depicts Darryl's famous creation, Captain Nepto, running in with the sunrise, saying:

"Sure looks like it's gonna be a great day (for DFG)!!

At the official release of the print at DFG corporate HQ, President & Co-Publisher Dan Graves said, "Thank you, Darryl for your friendship over the years. It means more to me than I can say. Indeed, it is always a great day for DFG!"

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Fan Letter: Whatever happened to Tornado?

Dear DFG:

I was so pleased to see Cyclone featured on the cover of Spy Comics Presents #2. He and Tornado were always two of my favourite DFG heroes. I enjoyed their cameo appearance last year in Retro-Spy #2 and the flashback seen in Spy Comics Presents the Invincibles #1. Obviously Cylcone in coming back, but what about his "hot-headed" brother, Tornado?

Mowinda Passwinda
Nairobi, Kenya

Dear Mowinda:

Nice to hear from one of our Kenyan fans. Yes, Cyclone is returning as a regular character in the DFG stable! The cover of Spy Comics Presents #2 is actually a teaser for Issue 5! Watch for another cameo in #4, as well! As indicated in Issue #1, Cyclone and Tornado (the wind brothers) had been trapped somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle for some time. It has yet to be established how Cyclone got out, but we plan to reveal this fact in an upcoming issue of Spy Comics Presents sometime next year. As for the more volatile member of the duo, Tornado, his ultimate fate is unknown at the present time. We hope to present a special issue of Spy Classics sometime in the next year that will retell the original (now lost!) first appearance of Cyclone and Tornado. I believe it is safe for me to announce that Todd Abbot, who had penned that first story has signed on to redraw it!

Frank Daniels
DFG Production Manager
(and Answer Man)

Monday, July 07, 2008

DFG Christmas Cards?

Dear DFG:
I am an avid DFG Collector. I'm especially interested in DFG related items (DFG action figures, posters, postcards, cereal boxes, decoder rings, etc). A friend told me that a few years ago DFG released a special Christmas Card featuring Captain Nepto. I have never been able to track it down and no one else seems to know about it. Does this item exist?
Javier Santamotzarello
Mexico City,Mexico.

Dear Javier:

I'm pleased to say that you have not been misinformed. There have been a variety of DFG greeting cards over the years, many of them unofficial, having been sent from one DFG staffer to another. However, in 2006, shortly after the relaunch, DFG released a limited edition Christmas Card that was sent to all former DFG staffers. It depicted Captain Nepto in his "classic" costume, with art by Todd Abbot. Incidentally, this was Todd's first artwork for DFG since 1996. Reproduced here, for your pleasure, is a personalized copy of the card, which was sent from DFG Co-publisher & VP to DFG President Dan Graves. Enjoy!

Frank Daniels,
DFG Production Manager
(and Answer Man)

Sunday, July 06, 2008

A fan Letter: What ever happened to the Nightmare character that was to debut in the 1980's?

Dear DFG:

I know that after the Spy-Master and Captain Nepto finished up their story arc in Spy 5 there was supposed to be a new 'hero' to continue in the series. I think his name was "Nightmare". Do I win a DFG prize for this?

Lexington Mazaicecreamconey
Texas, USA

Dear Lex:
The only prize you are worthy of is the DFG dumbell prize. Preliminary work was done on the Nightmare storyline and set to run in Spy Comics Volume 2 #6. This is no secret because of the extensive advertising campaign associated with that issue. Nightmare did appear in the latter issues of Spy #96 and was even featured on the cover of #8! He reappeared in Spy Comics Presents #1, in 2006. Watch for cameo appearances in issues 4 & 5 of the same title.
So no... no prize for you. If you were a real DFG fan you would have known this. So go to your local comicshop, or ebay, or whatever and pick up those back issues, you bonehead.
Frank Daniels,
DFG Production Manager
(and answer man).
Dear Frank:
You CANNOT be telling me that the Nightmare of 1987 is the SAME Nightmare of 1996 and the new continuity. Please confirm!!

Dear Lex:
Not only am I telling you that it is one and the same person, I'M TELLING YOU IN A LOUD VOICE!!! And by the way, don't try to tell me that the first one had a hat and trenchcoat while the other seemed to lack any clothes. He just got more comfortable with his body image as the years went by. Now stop bothering me with this inanity and send me a question worth answering. PS: We mailed your DFG Bonehead award yesterday -- expect it by Friday.

Friday, July 04, 2008

SPM Characters -- Back in Action!

Dear Fans:

Because you demanded it! SPM characters from the 1980's will be making a comeback in the DFG Universe! That's right... Electrolight! Formation Man! Black Shadow! The Bow! They are all returning in a cameo appearance in Spy Comics Presents #4! The characters were originally part of a company absorbed by DFG in 1982. There was only four issues of the ill-fated "SPM Comics" line, each issue featuring one of the characters, above. When DFG took over with #5, the book was retitled DFG's Greatest Heroes, with that issue featuring a special Captain Nepto appearance. Issue #6 was to feature Dan Graves' supernatural detective, Dr. Mystery. While the cover was completed and advertised, the interior was never done and the issue was never released. As part of the new direction of Spy Comics Presents, beginning with issue #6 of that series, the book will become a "showcase" title featuring team-ups of DFG's greatest heroes -- in a sense returning to the intent of that old DFG title of the same name that took over the SPM characters. Look for many of your favourite DFG characters, some lesser-known heroes and, of course, the return of the SPM characters, who are amongst DFG's greatest heroes!

Frank Daniels,
Production Manager,
DFG Comics.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Fan Letter: When Will We See Spy Classics #3 and Retro Spy #3?

Dear DFG:

Way back in 1996 I really enjoyed the two new series that you introduced (Retro-Spy and Spy Classics). The ad at the end of Spy Classics #2 told us that the next issue would feature a story by Graves, Andrews & Repovski. I don't think it has ever been released. Also, I appreciated (finally) reading the conclusion to the Captain Nepto/Redman Story in the revived Retro-Spy title, last year, but #3 of that title has yet to appear... What gives?

Dimitri Rumplstilskinski
Warsaw, Poland

Dear Dimitri:

Great to hear from one of our many international fans. As faithful DFG readers will know, our two titles that deal with stories from the classic era of DFG (well, we actually have three, now counting Captain Nepto Prime), have very different mandates. Retro-Spy with untold stories from the golden age of DFG, while Spy Classics contains "classic" stories that have been previously told in our publications, but are now being retold for newer readers who cannot afford to buy the rare and expensive DFG back issues at conventions.

To answer your questions -- We hope to have Spy Classics #3 available sometime this summer. And yes, it does feature the team of Graves/Andrews/Repovski. We had planned to release it earlier, but have focused our efforts on the nearly complete Spy Classics Annual instead. Issue #3 is basically complete but has been languishing in the DFG vault for about 12 years in need of lettering and a cover. This is now being done. Dan Graves is working on the cover and we have sent the issue to the letterer. The issue will feature a retelling of the VERY FIRST CAPTAIN NEPTO story. That's right, the VERY FIRST! It features Cap framed for murder, an early appearance of Chief Smith, as well as the first appearances of the Killer Shark and the Alligator -- don't miss it! Thanks for your patience. Please let us know which stories you would like to see retold in future issues!

As for Retro-Spy #3, the story and art have just been assigned. We are planning to tell another early story from the ORIGINAL Invincibles team! It will be set c. 1984! Future issues will contain some crazy team-ups from that era. We're hoping that Todd Abbot -- although he is quite busy pouring his heart and soul into Captain Nepto Prime -- will also be able to recreate the very first, but now lost, Cyclone and Tornado story! Watch for things to develop later this year!

Thanks for your question,

Frank Daniels,
Production Manager (and DFG Answer Man)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Participate in our Poll - Who is your Favourite DFG Hero?

The days are ticking away... but there is still time left to participate in our poll! Who is your favourite DFG hero. Just select your favourite on the sidebar on the right-hand side of this page. We will team-up the top-two favourites in a special issue of Spy Comics Presents, after the "Battle of the Invincibles" story arc concludes.

A similar poll, "Who is your favourite Nepto villain?" is underway on the Captain Nepto site (click here to participate).

Give us your ideas for a new poll and you will receive the chance to win a piece of original Todd Abbot art!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Fans Rave Over New DFG Colourist!

At the DFG booth at the recent New York City Comic Convention DFG Comics Publisher Dan Graves introduced the new DFG colourist, Flora Lovartalot, to DFG fans. Fans lined up for as much as four hours to receive autographed copies of the above preview of her work for DFG. "I'm really excited about working for DFG," said Ms. Lovartalot in her gentle English accent, "It's been a dream for many years to become a professional comic book colourist. I can think of no better publisher than DFG. I really respect the integrity of their work. It is amongst the best in the industry." Ms. Lovartalot graduated from the Malcolm-Wheeler-Nicholson School of Colouring Arts last year and is a newcomer to the industry. She is also working on a series of special "Collectors' Series Classic Covers" for DFG that feature full-colour renderings of the original Captain Nepto series from the early days of DFG, otherwise known as DFG's "golden age." Watch for more of Ms. Lovartalot's work in the near future.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Vintage DFG Fan Art Wanted!

Attention DFG Fans! Send us your drawings of DFG characters for the DFG Fan Club Page! To get the ball rolling, here is some vintage DFG fan art of our very own "Defender of Peace" Captain Nepto, by Mark Andrews. Thanks to Oscar Foodlecollins for the scan and Prof. Montegue Schoedel for digging up the artwork from the DFG vault!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chief Smith's Wife?

Dear DFG:

I enjoyed your recent panoramic poster showing "The Many Faces of Chief Smith." I've always felt that he was DFG's strongest supporting character, and basically the glue of the DFG universe given that he has appeared in every DFG series right back to Spy vol. 1, #1, in 1981. One thing I've always wondered... What happened to his wife. She was never shown. I know that he has (had?) a butler named Johnson and I know that his daughter Sarah is dead, but what about Mrs. Smith?

With thanks for many years of comic book reading!

Johnny Seamore,

DFG Production Manager Frank Daniels responds:

Nice to hear from you, Johnny. I recognize your name from some of our earliest letter columns! Glad to hear you're still following DFG Comics. The DFG brass have asked me to respond to your question. I scoured through every DFG issue, and you are correct -- there never has been any mention of Mrs. Smith... well, until now. Rumours have been circulating at the DFG office that she will be making an appearance in the upcoming Spy Classics Origins Issue. Remember, you heard it here first! As for the Chief's butler... after serving Chief Smith for 47, he retired in 1996 when the Chief retired from the Carnage City police force. Last we heard he is enjoying pinnacle, squash and bridge at the Carnage City Retirement Village. And sadly, yes, the Chief's only daughter, Sarah, was killed by the Unknown Strangler way back in Spy Volume 2, #3, 1985.

Frank Daniels
Production Manager, DFG Comics

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Whatever Happened to the Wig?

Dear DFG Comics:

I have a couple of questions for you. First, why on earth does Captain Nepto have so many different costumes? Does he wear them at different times of year, or what? Are some thermal and others air conditioned? Secondly, whatever happened to his wig? And for goodness sake, who came up with the crazy idea of wearing a wig over a cowl anyway?

On another note, does Cap have any living relatives now that his half-brother Randy is dead?

Joe Macrel
St. John's, Newfoundland

Dear Joe:

First, let me thank you for being such a long-time DFG devotee. I remember you being one of the very first subscribers to our comic and wish to thank you for your continued support. As such, I want to offer you the very best response to your questions. Your first question about the number of costumes is well-taken with the sheer amount of evidence that exists that Nepto isn't defined by one-look. An in-depth analysis of this phenomenon is discussed in my Nepto&ME posting at I invite you to visit "Darryl's catch-all" page and check that out. The short answer about which type of costumes does Nepto employ is simply that there is a costume for EVERY occasion.

The wig has been with Nepto from the very beginning [and in some cases still exists today] but, was really only a device used to add 'more detail' to the crude drawings I was doing at the start of the Feature. Observing the amount of head space that existed in every panel that I could not fill out with word balloons; I needed to come up with a solution. The wig was the solution. Secondly, it made Nepto unique...something else that is examined in greater detail in the above mentioned blog.

Your last question about living relatives of Nepto's can only be answered with; "The DFG Universe is large and vast and is filled with many wonderful surprises". Keep Reading!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Whatever Happened to the Crusher?

Dear DFG:

Since way back in the first Captain Nepto series the Crusher has always been one of my favourite villains. I know that he died in a fire but someone told me that he was brought back to life. Can we expect to see him again?

Montague Muckle,
Louisville, KY

Dear Monty:

The Crusher first appeared in Captain Nepto #6, way back in 1984. He fought Cap and the Warrior in that issue. As it turned out, the Crusher had killed the Warrior's parents. He wasn't exactly killed in a fire (You may be thinking about The Mummy, in issue #4). Warrior did give him a blast of fire from his gauntlet and subsquently shot him, but not before the Crusher could strike a fatal blow to the Warrior. List left both the Crusher and the Warrior apparently dead. However, the Crusher later returned to battle Cap and the Spymaster (in a now lost, unpublished story), but was hit by a bus. Spy Classics #1 (Spring 1996) retells these stories and tells how the Crusher was resurrected by an unnamed mad scientist. His current wherabouts are unknown.

Prof. Schoedel
DFG official historian

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Page of Your Own!

Dear DFG Fans:

This is your page! Send us your questions, emails, comments, reviews, and fan mail. They will be posted on this page with responses from the friendly gang at DFG Comics!

Email us at

Oscar Foodlecollins
DFG Webmaster

Friday, February 29, 2008

Please visit our Main site at